Hiding Your Television in Plain Sight

Hiding Your Television in Plain Sight

Oftentimes when we arrange our living rooms nowadays, we’re working around one critical piece: the television. This can create conflict between layouts primed for conversation between those in the room, or those geared towards ease of watching television. Not only...
Why Do Construction Projects Go Over Schedule?

Why Do Construction Projects Go Over Schedule?

When it comes down to it, builds and construction projects are known for taking longer than expected. Why is this? During a project, the responsibilities stretch in many directions. With the huge range of knowledge, skills, logistical experience, and materials needed...
Home Automation Pays for Itself (And Here’s How)

Home Automation Pays for Itself (And Here’s How)

As technology continues to improve upon itself, it becomes increasingly more and more efficient. Ultimately, our goal is to offer products and services that are so efficient and effective, that they simply pay for themselves. Home automation is an investment for many...
Are You a Contractor or a Home Designer? We Can Help

Are You a Contractor or a Home Designer? We Can Help

Many of today’s contractors are already finding themselves inundated by smart home technology. These systems are becoming an important part of all home building projects, and can ultimately be a real headache for the parties involved if they aren’t handled properly....
The End Game: Selling Your Home For a Profit

The End Game: Selling Your Home For a Profit

Whether you’re building or renovating, it’s always important to think about the end game. And It’s time to future proof your home. When you are planning to sell your home, you have to put yourself in the buyer’s shoes. What will make your home stand...